Friday, April 3, 2009

Go On, Let Your People Fail

~ Failure Is Essential To Success. Without failing,big breakthroughs or new innovation do not happen.

We all fear failure. Failure is bad and we have been taught to distance ourselves from failure.

Yet,if u look back at history,great breakthroughs are dependent on failures. In fact, great achievers are born out of failures. Michael Jordan, The Beatles, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Edison all had one big thing in common - they were major failures before success came to them.

Michael Jordan,probably the greatest basketball player in history, almost quit the game in high school when he was dropped from senior team.

He described that day as the worst day of his life. Yet, it marked an important day in Jordan's life as he decided (after a lot of tears and crying) that he would learn from his failure and make the team the following year.

The Beatles were turned down by Decca Records and were told "We don't like your sound, and 'guitar music' is on the way out" Capitol Records also rejected them a few years later. Instead of giving up and feeling dejected, they kept going and eventually went on to sell millions of records.

Walt Disney was fired from a newpaperearly on his career because he lacked imagination and was not creative. Yet he turned that failure to build one of the most creative companies in the world - Disney.

In school, his teacher told Thomas Edison that he was too stupid to learn anything. Yet, he become one of the greatest inventors of all time and the founder of General Electric (GE). The very first time Edison was working on his bulb experiment and failed, he made notes on his failure. He then made adjustments and tried again and again. It took him about 10,000 experimentsto invent the perfect set-up for the electric light bulb. To quote him," I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that wouldn't work."

The quote from Abraham Lincoln - My great concern is not whether you have failed,but whether are you content with your failure.(This quote i copy from Bernard, haha...)

All these stories on failure make one simple point - failure is the essential to success. Without failing, big breakthrough or new innovations do not happen.

So, if failure is so pertinent to success, why do we not embrace it? In fact,why don't we bulid failure in our life and organisations?

There is a story that i read before :

One day, a liitle boy found the cocoon of butterfly, he tooked it home and a few days later, a small opening appeared. He was thrilled and sat watching the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its bodythrough the little hole. After a while, he noticed that the butterfly stopped making any progress and it appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and could go no farther.

The little boy decided to let help the butterfly with a pair if scissors by snipping off the remaining of cocoon. and with his help, the butterfly then emerged.

But the story does not have a happily butterfly-after ending. The butterfly that emerged had a swollen body and shrivelled wings. The little boy continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that at any moment, it would expand its wings and fly off but that never happened.

In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and deformed wings. It never was able to fly.

The little boy had not understood then that the restricting cocoon and the struggle to go through a small opening was God's way of forcing fluid from the body of butterfly into its wings to prepare it for flight.

The same can be said for building leaders. In our kindness to help our followers,we shield pain and failure away from them.

I believe that if someone wanted to succeed quickly, he or she needs to experience as many failures as possible in the shortest possible time.

So,if you are a leader reading this, let your people fail,create opportunities for your people to learn through their failures.

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